Avalanche Update

RecordStore11GTI remember last year when One Up announced that unless things got better by Christmas they would close in January. Nothing really happened. They announced they were closing and they were mobbed. It understandably baffled Raymond one of the owners. There have been I admit several attempts to persuade me to reassess my decision to leave at the end of January but if anything the last couple of weeks have only convinced me it is the right thing to do. The Avalanche regulars as ever can not be faulted for their support and the response from visitors is still fantastic. Saturday’s highlight was a young girl from Chile who was a big Mogwai fan. However that is it. There are simply no “shoppers” at all. I’m starting to get the usual requests for things people can’t find in HMV and FOPP but unless they are looking for Withered Hand or Meursault (those FOPP headers are always empty) they will be out of luck.

Just why the Grassmarket is so quiet and in turn why Avalanche is also quiet is not rocket science. All the retail shops will have customers who have searched them out but quite clearly nobody is coming to the Grassmarket just to shop. Edinburgh Council have done all they can to attract as many people as possible to Princes Street and St Andrew Square and it would be ludicrous to think that will not be at the expense of all the surrounding areas not just the Grassmarket. In the case of the Grassmarket it is particularly galling as the BID has been in place for some time and their main focus seems to be on a small Saturday market when the message needs to be to visit the Grassmarket every day for great individual shops and places to eat and drink. Sundays in particular are crying out for something to attract people up from Princes Street and there is nothing. If we feel stuck at the end of the Grassmarket (there is some evidence people walk to the bottom of Victoria Street and then turn back unless they want “the view” of the castle) then God help the West Port !

At the same time in what is a perfect storm the advantages given to HMV and FOPP over consignment stock mean that bar those looking for local bands customers have no need to visit Avalanche. Posters and second hand are fine but without new sales cash flow becomes impossible. Saturday wasn’t too bad a day but the sale so well “liked” on facebook and twitter made no difference at all. I have absolutely no intention of downsizing or “going online”. People will still be able to visit Avalanche and yes we will be online but Avalanche as you know it will end at the end of January. As such there is a mountain of stock to clear and the feeling is unless I put “closing down” in the window the situation is going to continue.  There is as you would imagine a lot of cash tied up in all the stock we have and I need to realise that sooner rather than later.

As I suspected unless I keep pushing our online shop sales dry up very quickly. Again I have no intention of continuously bombarding people to buy stuff online. Of course I will in future be happy to tell people in a more organised way when something is released they might like.

Over the last three years Avalanche has become a worldwide brand without trying ! It stands for certain things and it is something people believe in. I have no intention of compromising that. If I was wary of working with others before that is true even more so now but I’m also well aware that the future is to find partners in the various areas Avalanche will move into. I promise all will be revealed in the New Year.              


  1. Casey Morgan


    Just reading your blog and I’m sorry to hear that your store will be closing down. It is such a shame that these local businesses are closing down in favour of high street stores and for me personally I think this is why, people are scared to go into a shop they’ve never been in before, scared that your going to stick out like a sore thumb because this type of shop is exclusively for the cool people and your invading their territory! Another reason I think people don’t go into these local shops is because we’re afraid we’re going to get ambushed! Shoppers like to shop and have no one looking over their shoulder, intimidating you and practically forcing you out the door, never to return!
    Anyway a little insight into the mind of a shopper like me, maybe I’m the only one that thinks and feels this way but I do wish you all the luck for the future and the future of local businesses!

    1. Thanks for the reply Casey. One of the things we try to do is make youngsters in particular feel at home by having music and posters they will recognise as soon as they walk in. You are right a shop shouldn’t think it is too cool for some people. It seems to work at least most of the time as we get lots of people of all ages in on a Saturday. Getting shoppers during the week is the hard thing !

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