allymccrae allymccrae
I dislike Shuuuushers at gigs. Its a social thing is it not, dry your eyes. Live music is a vibrant experience that involves others, ya tits

SongbyToad Matthew Young
@allymccrae Depends HUUGELY on the music. There’s a lot of music it’s just plain insulting to talk over. Others, it doesn’t matter so much.

favouriteson favourite son
@allymccrae a free gig aye, but if folk have paid to see a band + can’t hear them then fair enough. u wudnt talk thru a movie at the cinema

favouriteson favourite son
@allymccrae i hate shooshers too tho, theyr often louder than talkers. captains rest has posters sayin b quiet during gigs, best thing 2 do

allymccrae allymccrae Quieter music should always be respected, true dat. There’s no easy answer but its the venom in some shuuushers that scares me.
etc etc etc