I was chatting to one of the other shops who was understandably bemoaning the current situation in which bands, labels and online sellers have scant regard for such things as releases dates. In particular the madness where some London shops had stock of the new My Bloody Valentine album dropped off to them, others obviously searched out the band and asked for stock while all along shops were being offered the album from a wholesaler at unfeasibly high prices. There were they said now just too many chancers. It seemed a bit harsh but when I looked up a definition it didn’t seem so unreasonable – A chancer is a British term for someone who takes advantage of situations and manipulates them to his own benefit. (noun)
As another shop said with so many labels now advertising customers will receive their order before the release date it shows a lack of understanding of the term release date. If the public are sent it then it has been released. Shops are simply being given stock after the release date. What is happening is that due to a combination of weakness from retailers who do care and indifference from people like Amazon labels and artists can take advantage of this situation for their own benefit. Clearly if all retail insisted that release dates were adhered to or titles wouldn’t be stocked the situation would be very different.
I didn’t actually realise at the time that March 4th would become a defining moment for all this. My Bloody Valentine’s album official release date is March 4th though they were sending out copies from February 22nd and as I’ve said London shops had copies some time ago. Never mind Scottish shops in particular could console themselves with not one but two major releases from Roddy Woomble and Kid Canaveral. Sadly though Roddy’s album has been available since before Christmas as a limited edition of one thousand and on January 14th it was posted
special edition sold out
14 January 2013
Thank you to all who ordered the special edition of ‘listen to keep’ via this website. It has now sold out. The album will be released by Reveal records on Monday March 4th on CD and digital download. There will also be a ltd vinyl release for the album. You can pre-order the album through the Reveal site. It will be posted out in late February.
And yes that is right that there is a vinyl version also not offered to shops by the distributor of the CD. And yes it will be sent out before the release date.
Still we have Avalanche’s biggest selling band of 2010 Kid Canaveral
You can now pre-order our new LP Now That You are a Dancer!
What do I get with the pre-order?
* A sexy slab o’ 12″ vinyl, in a süper-glossy sleeve * A CD copy of the album * You save moolah – only £11.99 (normally £12.99) * An exclusive lyric sheet (available with pre-orders only!) * Free download of lead track ‘The Wrench’ * Free download of ‘Low Winter Sun’ (Becky Becky remix)
All of this will be sent out to you to arrive before Monday 4th March 2013 (unless you live outside the UK – in which case it might take a few extra days to get to you.). They’ll send you the download codes for ‘The Wrench’ and the remix of ‘Low Winter Sun’ by email within 48 hours of your order.
Many of my customers have already told me they’ve bought Roddy’s album. They would be daft not to have done. Twitter was awash with my followers buying the Kid Canaveral album. As I’ve said many times we simply need to offer our customers the same product at the same price at the same time. I don’t want them paying more for an inferior product and I certainly don’t want customers feeling they have to choose sides.
As a business model picking up the crumbs from new releases like this is simply not viable and there are plenty of other things for me to get on with. Clearly none of these artists felt they needed Avalanche’s support and who is to say they are not right. I completely respect their choices as I hope they will mine. At least I can sell the Stereophonics – what do you mean they are offering postcards ? OK Thurston Moore’s new band Chelsea Light Moving with a free poster it is then.
“someone who takes advantage of situations and manipulates them to his own benefit.”
Remind me – to whose benefit is it if bands sell their work through Avalanche rather than direct to their fans?
So a band benefits from selling their work through Avalanche as you can play and recommend them to people who haven’t heard of them.
Remind me – how does a band selling work direct to their fans stop you from doing this?