Edinburgh Evening News Thursday 23rd March 2017
These days when I hear a new song or album I always think about whether it is so good that people will feel they need to own it in a way that actually involves paying out hard cash. Most music to be honest is either not that good or not good enough to be worth somebody’s money.
Getting somebody to buy an album is hard enough but the days of people going out and buying singles in any quantity are long gone.
Huge artists benefit greatly from downloads, though even that is declining and of course streaming, which is currently looking like the way many people are choosing to listen to their music.

I’m taking that award-winning on trust but it certainly wouldn’t surprise me if this video won awards. It stars the model and actress Jerry-Jane Pears, which itself leaves you wondering how they persuaded her to take the role, as an old high school crush that finds fame and fortune and literally comes to life from magazines and TV screens.
Watching on YouTube it is no surprise when finished that it quickly recommends Weezer and possibly the ultimate accolade, Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus. So a great song, a brilliant video and yet unfortunately you are left wondering in a world where Ed Sheeran inhabits most of the top 20 how it will reach the much larger audience it deserves.
By coincidence I nipped out to the local chip shop earlier and took my youngest daughter’s car which had the radio tuned into a commercial radio station.
The first song was I assume a chart hit called Paris by Chainsmokers. Not that I recognised it but I remembered enough of the lyrics to google it on my return. Terrible name though.
Anyway, the next song was dreadful, generic nonsense that seemed slightly familiar but I couldn’t place it. Hearing the chorus for the second time it finally dawned on me that it was indeed Mr Sheeran with Shape Of You !
There She Is is out this week and there is a launch for the single in Edinburgh at The Mash House on April 22. You can find details on their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/belikepablo/. Log on to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3Jy5OL_SPk to see the video.
So sad to see the Circus roll out of town
Sad to see the Electric Circus finally close its doors this Saturday. I recently had a long chat with Dennis Chester the owner on the state of live music venues in Edinburgh and as you would expect from a man who has been involved over 40 years he had a great perspective on how things had changed over the years and what if anything was the way forward.
The jury is out on whether Edinburgh has too many or too few venues for the number of people who drag themselves from their TV screens to actually go out at night these days but certainly the discussion on the support live music needs will continue as many millions of pounds are poured into sections of the arts far less popular and reaching very fewer people.
I think everybody will wish Dennis well in his retirement and thank all who have helped Electric Circus over the years to be one of the city’s best venues.
It is isn’t good enough for Edinburgh Council to simply say they want to support music in the city centre they have to actively do so and it will be interesting after the elections to see how that manifests itself.