I had thought that with the announcement of the museum’s Rip It Up exhibition this year I would find the centre a home in good time but instead we are cutting it very fine indeed. Don’t get me wrong I’m very grateful to those who have helped and supported the centre and got me to this point and do I appreciate these things take time but even so ………..
I have concentrated on being sure I could put on an exhibition of quality and in that respect the Fruitmarket Gallery pop-up was a huge success. You will find several of the exhibits appearing in the museum’s exhibition and I have equally exciting things to replace them until they are returned. I’ve left bringing on celebrity supporters a la the Leith Theatre or King’s Theatre until there was a home to support though that isn’t to say there hasn’t been help in the background already.

I set up the funding page in readiness for an announcement not really expecting contributions until then though there have already been a few generous donations mainly but certainly not all from regulars. A major outlet on Princes Street has agreed to support Scottish artists both old and new given that the exhibitions that will be on this year will no doubt raise the profile of Scottish music. I am very grateful for their interest. I’m tempted to say more now but would really like to sort out the centre’s home first.

I started off looking for space that the council might give the exhibition for free or at least subsidised but those days it seems are now gone. Frustrating when I see what has been given freely even quite recently. Realistically therefore I have offered to hire space from Edinburgh Council at a rate that will not see them out of pocket from what they would have expected to make and have had very positive feedback. You won’t be disappointed ! I also have sponsors interested in helping cover those costs.
I actually have a sponsor wanting to work with Avalanche but as I have done for over three years now any money I get will go towards giving me time to work on the centre. The funding page gives a little more detail on how I have self-funded things so far.
The nub of all this is I need to raise an extra £2K to £3K immediately to get things over the line hopefully by the end of the week. If anybody feels able to make a substantial donation I’m very happy to give more detail on both locations to reassure them where their money is going. If any business would like to contribute I’m also very happy to publicly thank them for their help. My email address is [email protected] and the link is below.