Avalanche provisional Top 10 for the year so far

I’ll publish the top 50 sellers for the year so far at the weekend but for now here is the provisional Top 10 subject as they say to change.

1.  Bill Wells & Aidan Moffat – Everything’s Getting Older

2.  PJ Harvey – Let England Shake

3.  The Savings and Loan – Today I Need Light

4.  Star Wheel Press – Life Cycle Of A Falling Bird

5.  King Creosote and John Hopkins – Diamond Mine

6.  Explosions In The Sky – Take Care Take Care Take Care

7.  Conquering Animal Sound – Kammerspiel

8.  Fleet Foxes – Helplessness Blues

9.  Mogwai – Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will

10.Kid Canaveral – Shouting At Wildlife

Snapping at Kid Canaveral’s heels are the albums from Found and Radiohead that coincidentally would have easily made the Top 10 if we hadn’t lost so many sales to the bands themselves.