It has become clear from recent discussions that now we have reached a point where nobody really doubts that the centre is a feasible proposition and that Scottish pop music deseves its place and recognition that the next step is to secure a building. Such was the quality of the items that were on display […]
The Scottish Pop Music Exhibition Centre
As the time approaches to come up with a definitive name for the centre I’ve currently settled on THE SCOTTISH POP MUSIC EXHIBITION CENTRE. Things are by no means done and dusted, in fact far from it, but they will come to a head over the next couple of months so I need to make […]
Scottish Pop Music Exhibition Centre + Scottish music's infrastructure
First of all can I say the cost of reaching this point has been too high. Had I known it would take this long and cost so much I wouldn’t have done it. Having said that all the people I spoke to who had had a similar idea to archive and preserve in some way […]
A brief update on the Scottish music exhibition centre
I’ve finally recovered from the Fruitmarket Gallery exhibition and contemplating how everything can be moved forward. I had fairly relentless advice to not give up on Creative Scotland as the centre and exhibition should be exactly what they should be funding. Consequently I did have a close look at how their funding works with I […]
Creative Scotland funding for music
In the last figures given by Creative Scotland in their press release they said that £12.8M had been allocated to music and this represented 18.3% of their total allocation. I asked them how this broke down by genre and they said they couldn’t say but they did very quickly provide me with all the grants […]
The Only Fun In Town exhibition – the sixties and early seventies
Lots of questions about the exhibition so I thought I’d try to cover them in the blog. What period will it cover ? It will cover from the early sixties to the present. The tricky bit was always going to be the sixties. I moved to Edinburgh in 1977 and Avalanche opened in 1984 so […]
Art for art’s sake
Edinburgh Evening News Thursday 18th May 2017 I hope in the coming months Edinburgh Council looks at its attitude to the arts and who is being reached. Very much as has happened in music where an awful lot of people have been lost somewhere between the banality of Ed Sheeran and the weird cool hipster […]
Albums stilll a worthy benchmark for bands
Edinburgh Evening News Thursday 11th May 2017 After last week’s nod to music nostalgia it seemed only fair to focus on the current crop of bands this week and of course by the end of the month we will know which artists have made the longlist for the Scottish Album of the Year award. Tactical […]