Last Online Record Shop Standing

  The new documentary DVD released in support of independent record shops came out this week. Many will argue about the validity of the rebirth of independent record shops but that is a different blog. The music industry has never let the truth get in the way of publicity. The point is that no matter […]

The Figures Just Don't Add Up – Can September change that ?

“The Figures Just Don’t Add Up”. So said Phil Barton on the closure of Rounder in Brighton as their lease came to an end. To be honest I’d be amazed if anybody’s figures added up these days but it is difficult to tell. The few who claim to do well talk of increased turnover or footfall […]

Record Store Day 2013 and that blog about Rounder closing

The blog about Rounder in Brighton closing and what that meant for the rest of the independent shops left was thankfully very well received both at home and abroad and within and outside the music industry. Many of the responses I received also touched on Record Store Day despite my own comment of “As for […]

Kicking Against The Pricks while waiting for the Eschaton

While Ian Rankin was in buying his Blur box set and James Yorkston new album on vinyl we were chatting about everything from the record stalls pitched up outside the shop to the relentless march by labels and bands to DC (direct to customer). “You’re certainly kicking against the pricks” Ian said. This biblical reference […]

Are there enough people left wanting physical product ?

The answer is I think yes and definitely for a good while yet. However if those sales are too fragmented then the physical format becomes less viable. Shops of course have the highest overheads and therefore without a certain level of sales can not survive. While there may be enough physical sales in total if […]

Have UK record companies given up on physical music too soon?

This is a “survey” by Music Week  but wearing my stats nerd hat it is a bit pointless in proving something I certainly think is true.  POLL: The subject of the CD’s decline is rife amongst record labels after music retail has experienced it’s toughest year ever. Yet independent store Rough Trade is on course to […]

Geeks, nerds, indie "kids" and the mainstream

I’ve had the same conversation several times recently in which labels/bloggers have talked about reaching the mainstream when what they mean is reaching the regular indie buyers who listen to indie/local bands but don’t normally read blogs, go to album launches or listen to Vic Galloway. Knowing your target market is obviously important and they fail on […]

Markets in the Grassmarket

I didn’t get much chance to look at the market on Sunday but it had to be better than Saturday’s. The first problem with the Saturday markets held in August which I’m reliably informed are a “tradition” is that they are too big. We need people IN the Grassmarket and the stalls take up so […]

