Avalanche news in a few short sentences – unusual I know

We’ll be extending the European DVD section further along the wall so those Kasabian posters will have to come down ! These mainly classic or cult movies not available in the UK have sold deceptively well  and have been a useful addition to boosting sales.   The coffee shop has reopened and you will see […]

Ordering the new print from Scott Hutchison

The new print will be somewhere between A4 and A3 in size and again on old paper. Limited to 50 copies, signed and numbered the cost of a print is £49.95 if collected, £57.95 posted within the UK, £61.95 to Europe and the US and £64.95 to Australia and Asia. All those posted will be […]

Plan A and Plan B

It may have taken almost 11 months but I do now have a Plan A on how to move forward and indeed a Plan B should events overtake us. Things are dramatically different in the music industry from even a year ago and there is no guarantee how things will look in the future whatever […]

New print from Scott is not a stamp !

As everybody guessed the picture below is of the new Frightened Rabbit print from Scott. Limited to 50 and signed and numbered I should hopefully have the first batch by the weekend. I will put it up for sale online tomorrow or you can of course phone or pop in the Grassmarket shop. Rumours of […]

Maccabees tickets

Didn’t really get to the bottom of why we didn’t get the “supporting indie shops” Maccabees tickets. Couldn’t find anybody prepared to say it was their decision or knew who made the decision. Other shops heard directly from the promoters but I of course heard nothing until the phone started ringing. I’ll be interested to […]

Rob Moir in-store Wednesday 28th September @ 5pm

Rob will be popping in the shop to play a short set before his gig at the Wee Red Bar later the same day.  http://youtu.be/9f8PgnUJGlM Biography With a heart filled with passion and a head full of stories Rob Moir delivers his most unique music to date. After five years of fronting the Toronto indie-punk […]

You bought the album now go to the gig

We are selling tickets for this and there is no booking fee. With such a good album it is always worrying that live a band will disappoint but if anything Ryan manages to add to the songs live.  

