Anyone in the shop tomorrow can try to make a quick £50 by taking part in the Day V Lately competition from Yell. Funnier however will be the Menswe@r ad in which Johnny Dean tries to track down his classic first single “I’ll Manage Somehow” (1995 – #49).
Chaffinch week @ Avalanche
We have a great selection of seven inches and CDs on the Chaffinch label this week. We also have a cracking sampler CD available for £1.99 or free when you buy any three label releases. The week will of course culminate in the Burnt Island in-store on Saturday. More news to follow.
Successful Sunday
Thanks to everybody who made our first Sunday opening of the year a big success.
Meursault @ The Caves Wednesday 9th March ECA fundraiser
Meursault/ Washington Irving/Graeme Clark plus Hotrod DJ set @ The Caves Wednesday 9th March ECA intermedia degree show fundraiser Tickets available in the shop £6 +£1 booking fee / £8 on the door
Hardcorewillneverdiebutrecordshopswill ?
There has been a lot of comment about One Up laying off two staff this weekend virtually all supportive of the shop and even the few more negative comments are along the lines of it being “inevitable”. Avalanche and One Up are not identical but we are similar. At our core we have a large […]
Burnt Island In-store + Kid Canaveral SXSW fundraiser
Just heard on 6 Music that things are looking bleak in Edinburgh live music wise while for our friends in the west things are very healthy indeed. Nobody would disagree that gigs in Edinburgh could be better attended sometimes but equally I’ve heard horror stories of three men and a dog at Glasgow gigs too. Suffice […]
We will be open on Sundays from now on
We have been getting asked more and more by both regular customers and visitors if we are open on Sundays so will do so from this week. Please feel free to pop in and say hello and yes you can order coffee and cake too !
Advice on physical product – gigs – distribution/shops – media – merchandise
I’m getting asked a lot about this so will definitely organise something in the next month. It will quite simply be a case of having people in the shop after we close for a very informal chat / Q+A about all aspects of the above. Basic stuff we get asked a lot by young bands […]
We have a fine selection of Benbecula CDs and vinyl for £4.99 or less including Wounded Knee, Flowers of Hell, Christ, Plum, Ochre etc.
Twitter @kevinavalanche
You can now follow me on twitter which is something I never thought I would say. In the middle of a rather hectic day I noticed I had 99 followers and thought I would keep an eye out for no. 100 but it suddenly jumped to 114 ! Feels like I’ve signed up for hate […]