After a recent WordPress update the basket suddenly started working again but there are now no pictures for the product and I can’t upload new pictures for the blog (though I can copy them in). Is it meant to be this hard !
Record Store Day Saturday April 16th
We have so much news for RSD I am going to leave it for another time. Even if it still feels like winter we may still open at midnight for some mixed drinks.
FOUND – All Is Lost
Come along and be the first to purchase the album on deluxe CD or gatefold vinyl. Release date for a shop 14th March.
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
May or may not have the REM album on Monday. I missed the email it was sold in on and these days there is no back up in case you miss something. Rep put it through straight away so if I’m lucky ………. The reps that are left do their best but they are swamped […]
Zoey Van Goey in-store Saturday 5th March @3pm
Leading exponents of cuddlecore according to our friends across the pond ZVG will pop in the shop to play a few songs on the way to their gig at the Voodoo Rooms later that night with Withered Hand. No we don’t have tickets and yes that is a sore point but on the plus side […]
Frightened Rabbit / Twilight Sad "Split" Cassette for RSD
Record Store Day website now has a split cassette by Frightened Rabbit and Twilight Sad listed. I’ve heard they cover each others songs but hopefully I’ll get more news on that and how many there will be etc tomorrow from the label.
Scottish Alternative Music Awards 2011
Always dubious about any awards but was at least interested to see who the “winners” were. Sure it was last Friday but checking google, tweets and even the website ! comes up with no mention at all of the winners. Started to think I’d imagined it confirming I finally had lost the plot but website […]
Yes we are open on Sundays
We will now be open every Sunday for those of you who fancy a leisurely stroll through the Grassmarket and a browse. Chaffinch brought in more of their excellent sampler CD for the Burnt Island in-store yesterday which is a mere £1.99 or free when you buy any three releases on the label. Album club […]
Mogwai Box Set in stock
Panicked when only two arrived with the new Bonnie Prince Billy ten inch but then another box arrived later so all was well. For those who asked if we would be matching the Amazon price of £49.99 the answer is that we are £10 cheaper @ £39.99.
Burnt Island @ Avalanche in the Grassmarket Saturday 26th @ 3pm
Really looking forward to this as I’ve never managed to catch them live before. Our best selling EP of last year or a top ten album depending where you stand on the 6 track mini album / EP. We will have the last few copies for sale along with the rest of the Chaffinch catalogue.