Avalanche Manifesto

We had an amazing response to the manifesto and there is a huge amount of enthusiasm for many of the ideas. Over the next month we will be looking at exactly what can be realistically achieved given the current state of the music industry and the economic climate.

The All Conquering Savings and Loan

A couple of Fridays ago when the weather was actually quite pleasant the shop was full for most of the afternoon. I played the Savings and Loan album and sold three copies after one play. Busy I pressed play again and sold two more. I deliberately gave it a third spin and sold two more. […]

Fox In The Snow

Just about to battle my way in from snowy West Lothian to the shop. Should be in by 11.30am. Trains are supposedly running on time. Did indeed see a fox in the snow at the back of our house. Now I just need to keep the wolf from the door !

Visualising Sound – An exhibition of work by 3rd year graphics students from ECA

 Time Thursday 10th March 19:30 – Monday 14th March at 17:00 Location Avalanche Records  5 Grassmarket Created by: Sophie Gordon, Verity Louise Davis, Shaun Dowling, Shanshan Gong, Ryan Templeton, Roy Luo, Rachel Bailey, Noah James Jared Collin, Katie Brammall,Katelynne Kirk, Gillian Hunter, Freddy Taylor, EL K, Elise Appleton, Danielle Malinen,Anne Helene Vestrum, Rebecca Westwood, Alex Renfrew More info An exhibition of work by 3rd year graphics students from ECA based […]

SXSW 2011

Did my bit telling the US authorities how wonderful Dan is but it still remains to be seen whether Withered Hand will play at SXSW or not. On another note I have been engaged in numerous conversations in the shop recently about how the SXSW thing works but to be honest it makes as little […]

