We are looking to extend our vinyl section to twice its current size with a larger selection of second hand vinyl along with some more new vinyl. If customers have any boxes of old or not so old vinyl they would like to turn into cash we would be very pleased to hear from you.
Avalanche Manifesto, Record Store Day and SXSW
As part of the manifesto I promised to look into wider distribution for Scottish bands. There is no doubt that most bands and labels are keen to get their releases into the remaining record shops in Scotland and further afield but most also expect to compete with those shops for customers. Especially in Scotland where […]
One of the things we will be looking at is sponsorship. Avalanche as a brand is highly sought after as a partner for all sorts of campaigns and events but we do very few as we are rarely offered any money just prizes, facebook friends, magic beans etc. There is an enormous amount of goodwill […]
Album Club
We can now announce our first album club package of the year and it is the Conquering Animal Sound album with a sampler for the Chaffinch label. There will be two more packages before the end of April and there will also be lots of special offers exclusive to our members this year. Lots more […]
Sneaky Pete's tickets
A big thank you to Sneaky Pete’s who will be giving us tickets for all their shows in the future. At the moment we have tickets for Washington Irving, 2:54, Voodoo Johnson, Maybeshewill, Matthew Dear and Bronto Skylift. As you will be aware selling tickets was an important part of the plan in our move […]
Haddow Fest tickets
We have Haddow Fest tickets starting from £15 but you will need to be quick to snap them up.
Hard to find and cult DVDs
We now have a corner dedicated to hard to find and cult DVDs courtesy of one of our customers who has a business selling these online. This is exactly the kind of “add on” we are looking for and if any other customers have any ideas for other things we can sell that fit in […]
Record Store Day 2011 – One month to go
There are probably too many “exclusives” this year but as regulars will know Record Store Day has always been more than just about the releases at Avalanche and this year we aim to outdo what has been some great previous in-stores by having bands playing both in the shop and next door at our friends […]
New releases and how things are
I had hoped to have more of a feel for things since our move but to be honest things are still very slow. New releases sell very little indeed and therefore do little to bring people in during the week. Saturdays are busy and the Sunday opening has been a big success. PJ Harvey was […]