Record Store Day Two

Just heading in to the shop now. We didn’t want to spoil you with too much all on the one day so we will have more special prices and exclusives to be announced all during the week. Today we have some very special prices from those lovely people at Fence on everything from the King […]

Getting Your Music Heard

After much speculation (OK three people asked) the 6 CDs bands hand in will be given to The Skinny, The List, Is This Music ?, Song by Toad (label and blog), 17 Seconds (label and blog) and Mr Vic Galloway. All have kindly agreed to listen to all the CDs they are given. You may […]

Record Store Day – We open @ 9.30am

As last year we will hand out numbers to those queueing when we open and then serve people one at a time. One copy per customer and in an effort to be fair to everybody customers will not be allowed to buy  too many of the very limited releases. A few things we only get one […]

Record Store Day times + more

Saturday 16th Frightened Rabbit @ 1pm Gordon McIntyre of Ballboy @ 2.30pm The Last Battle @ 3pm playing next door @ Red Dog Penguins Kill Polar Bears @ 5pm Sunday 17th Broken Records @ 3pm Wednesday 20th Showing of the new Tim Barrow movie THE SPACE BETWEEN  5.30pm for 6pm showing Saturday 23rd Aberfeldy […]

Grassmarket Music Festival 29th April to 1st May

I haven’t been told yet how many bands are needed for each of the three days but I imagine it will be five or six. I’ve asked a few “bigger” bands to play and have also asked a couple of younger bands who have personally come in the shop with their CDs either for sale […]

Vinyl section to double in size !

We bought in two nice collections this week so now have just enough stock to put in more vinyl racks. We could still do with more though so please do consider digging out those boxes in the cupboard.   We have also increased our stock of new vinyl by a third and will continue to […]

Frightened Rabbit in-store 1pm Saturday April 16th

Unless we are convinced there will be crowds similar to those seen in old footage of The Beatles we will try to accommodate everybody for the Frightened Rabbit 1pm  in-store on Saturday 16th April. A final decision will be made later in the week so check back for details. We will certainly be operating a […]

Handing in your music for RSD

Artists/bands should hand in 6 CDs with artwork and a short blurb any time from Friday 15th to Monday 25th. I’ll be announcing the lucky recipients later in the week but as I have said I can only guarantee your CDs will reach the appropriate people so please don’t expect lengthy or indeed any replies. […]

The Late Call – Sunday @ Wee Red Bar

The Late Call’s in-store today was excellent and you really should pop along to the Wee Red Bar tomorrow if you are free. Doors open 7.00pm.