Avalanche still THE Bright Eyes shop ?

I’d almost forgotten myself that we were for many years the shop of choice for Bright Eyes fans all over the world. However since Saddle Creek sent us the US version of Cassadaga with a free single just over four years ago (is it really that long ago ?) things just gradually tailed off as […]

Radiohead – Little By Little 12" released tomorrow

1. Little By Little (Caribou Remix) 2. Lotus Flower (Jacques Greene Remix) First in a series of four limited edition Radiohead remix 12″s released every two weeks for the next couple of months. You can pay for all four upfront and then collect as they arrive. Limited edition of 2,000 heavy weight 180 gram vinyl

Iconic record shop Rocking Horse put out to pasture

I actually had a guy in from Brisbane today who was telling me how shops were struggling there. Even in Australia customers wait for Amazon UK to have a special offer of free postage and then place large orders. Amazon fucks over shops the whole world over ! TOUGH TIMES: Owner of Rocking Horse Records, […]

Biffy Clyro CD/DVD + tickets treasure hunt

After a lull since we were a clue in a Belle and Sebastian treasure hunt a long time ago we followed up being the first clue in the Frightened Rabbit hunt for tickets for their secret Sing the Greys 5th anniversary gig with today being the first clue in the Biffy Clyro treasure hunt for […]

Xbox vs Galaxian

Many of you will know that I get a little fucked off from time to time with the endless Rough Trade comparisons but quite amazingly no sooner do I decide to bring in my old Galaxian machine to the shop in time for the Festival than I get a tweet telling me of RT’s plans […]

Darren Hayman Oven Gloves

With Thursday’s Last Battle EP launch all but sold out those yet to decide where to go on Thursday still have a difficult choice between the always entertaining Half Man Half Biscuit at the Liquid Room and the triple header of Darren Hayman ably supported by Gordon Ballboy and Withered Hand at Pilrig Church Hall. […]

Withered Hand Vinyl – All Good News Eventually !

Vinyl is being shipped to me this week so I can start taking payments. I will send out emails to all those that have ordered already with costs etc over the next day or so. Those lovely people at Dan’s US record label Absolutely Kosher have said I can have 30 of the very limited […]

Fence Records' Homegame 2011

Video of Fence Records’ Home Game 2011 by Forest of Black. Music by Kid Canaveral, a cover of King Creosote’s ‘Missionary’ – taken from their limited edition single, on cassette tape / download. Available only with their vinyl LP SHOUTING At Wildlife.

Kid Canaveral info and in-store date change

KID CALENDAR-AVERAL JULY 5TH: BBC SxSW DOCUMENTARY: Kid Canaveral – alongside Withered Hand and King Creosote – are going to feature in a BBC documentary about their exploits over in Austin, Texas, as part of SxSW – to be broadcast on BBC 2 Scotland on Tuesday, July 5th, at 9pm. JULY 9TH: T IN THE PARK: As announced on Ally […]