Avalanche in-stores – Martin John Henry – Black Friday

There seems to be no middle ground for in-stores. They are either very well attended ie Gordon Ballboy, Kid Canaveral, Withered Hand / Rachel Sermanni and of course the standing in the doorway rammed attendance there was for Frightened Rabbit or there is at best a few family and close friends or at worst nobody […]

Cancel The Astronauts new single

Hello there! Cancel The Astronauts here, with the second ever CTA mailing list email. We hope it finds you well and eager/patient/bored enough to read about the kind of stuff we are getting up to. Okay! First, our new single, Seven Vices, is now available to pre-order. Hurray! It’s our first ever single, which is quite […]

Rock Action – Tell it how it is

Interesting article about Scottish labels after the fire including Craig Hargrave, label manager of Rock Action Records – run by the acclaimed band Mogwai – said: “About 20,000 units of our catalogue were destroyed. This includes CD albums, LPs, seven-inchers, box sets – accounting for virtually every release we have done since 1996. For a […]

First they came for

This from an Australian retail analyst http://www.smartcompany.com.au/retail-trends/20110829-online-price-versus-offline-experience.html With apologies to Martin Niemöller… First they came for the record shops… and I didn’t mind, because I got a better price and more choice, with greater convenience. Then they came for the video stores… and I didn’t mind, because I got a better price and more choice, […]

Beirut – Rip Tide clear vinyl and limited CD

We have just received more copies of the very limited clear vinyl and of course we still have the limited embossed CD. We also still have a few of the seven inch singles left on blue or white vinyl.

Avalanche Coffee Shop

There has been nothing but compliments about how good the coffee is and the carrot cup cakes, rocky road and millionaire shortbread sell continuously. Red Dog and the Academy of Music below can be relied on to buy coffee all day long and one or two other local businesses have become good regulars but I […]

In-store details for next week @ Avalanche

Tuesday  23rd August  Emily Scott with her full band @ 5pm Wednesday 24th August Sebastian Dangerfield @ 5pm Friday     26th August  Star Wheel Press @ 6pm Saturday  27th August  Edinburgh School for the Deaf @ 2pm Sunday    28th August  Roy Wilkinson will be signing copies of his book “Do It For Your […]

