Seemingly I have to do nothing about this which is lucky as I would not have a clue what was involved ! Dear Esteemed Retailer, To celebrate the release of ‘We’re New Here’ by Gil Scott-Heron and Jamie xx, we have set up a number of virtual transmitters at different locations around the world. Fans […]
February 2011
Conquering Animal Sound album back in stock today ready for Saturday’s in-store.
Twitter – It had to be done I suppose – don't expect anything too exciting
2 hours ago: Conquering Animal Sound @ Avalanche in the Grassmarket this Saturday 12th @ 3pm to promote their album
Conquering Animal Sound album and in-store this Saturday
All being well the Conquering Animal Sound album will arrive tomorrow but also Conquering Animal Sound themselves will be arriving in the shop on Saturday 12th for an in-store at 3pm before they head off to Sneaky Pete’s for their gig. The songs I’ve heard so far sound very good indeed and there has been […]
Advice to bands re CDs, vinyl, gigs, publicity, merchandise and distribution
Barely a day goes by I’m not asked for advice by bands/artists about getting gigs, manufacturing product, producing merchandise and getting their wares into shops. I often have essentially the same conversation several times a day (the record I think is seven). Artists may get some funding to help make a CD for instance but […]
Andy Gill
I’d never given it a lot of thought but I always kind of assumed Andy Gill who does music reviews for the Independent was Andy Gill from the Gang of Four. Not until I recently came across Andy Gill reviewing the Gang of Four @ RTE did I realise this might not be the case. […]
PJ Harvey single out Monday – album with free print
We have copies of the very limited seven inch available this Monday and if you preorder the album for the following week we have a lovely print to give away. ‘The Words That Maketh Murder’ is released tomorrow 7th February, backed by an exclusive track, ‘The Guns Called Me Back Again’, recorded during the ‘Let England […]
Zoey Van Goey In-store – Chemikal Underground
The first week of March we are featuring the Chemikal Underground label and the week culminates in an in-store from the wonderful Zoey Van Goey on Saturday 5th March whose new album is out on the 14th February. I’m sure that it is wonderful too but since I don’t have a copy being a mere […]
Rob St. John tickets @ Avalanche
Rob St John Ziggy Campbell Thirty Pounds of Bone February 19th 2011 from 7.00pm @ Wee Red Bar Edinburgh School of Art