Fifteen years ago the phrase “£50 man” first came into use coined by the former NME journalist and founder of WORD magazine David Hepworth. This was a man who thought nothing of wandering into a record shop and spending £50 on whatever took his fancy. £50 man now of course is in his fifties and […]
January 2018
Exhibition Centre finance
I had thought that with the announcement of the museum’s Rip It Up exhibition this year I would find the centre a home in good time but instead we are cutting it very fine indeed. Don’t get me wrong I’m very grateful to those who have helped and supported the centre and got me to […]
The Scottish Pop Music Exhibition Centre funding
All along the consensus of opinion has been that those of us that were around in the late seventies and early eighties now of course in our fifties and sixties would be very keen to see a centre documenting that time. Of course I then had a great response at the Fruitmatket pop-up from those […]
The Scottish Pop Music Exhibition Centre
The Scottish Pop Music Exhibition Centre Please take time to read this I have self-funded this project for over three years using money from my shop Avalanche Records and then when I gave that up in April 2016 to concentrate on this fully from online shop sales and selling much of my own personal record […]
The music industry – customers not fans (part two)
Knowing how many fans a band had among your customers was key to success in the eighties and nineties when coming up with a base figure to order for smaller indie bands. However for most releases you then added a figure on top which was often far greater than the fan base figure allowing for […]
The music industry – how we reached this point (part one)
In recent conversations with people connected in one way or another with the music industry it has become clear that there are now many people, and not necessarily just young folk, who don’t know how the music industry operated for decades and more importantly how we reached the point we are at now. By no […]
A small indie band without delusions of grandeur
In the late eighties before the advent of the Premier League an 80s indie band might be described as a good “third division” band. This was based far more on sales than on how good the band was and many of my favourite bands of the time come from that lineage. First division bands would […]