Funding – Born To Be Wide and Wide Days

After Olaf’s comments on Facebook about the lack of support he receives re funding for Born To Be Wide and Wide Days I felt it was the right time to comment myself.   The problem with the funding process going by what I see from the outside is that giving out funding is a job […]

Avalanche – Get ready for the future: it is murder

Yes that is a Leonard Cohen reference again. Obviously in business you need to be in control of your own destiny as much as possible and again if events conspire against you there is only so much that can be done. Key to any decisions about Avalanche after Christmas was the future of HMV/FOPP. There […]

Simon Fox and the level playing field

HMV slams ‘idiotic’ offshore tax dodging “For many years we have said we would like to see a level playing field,” said Fox (CEO HMV).  Simon Fox’s claim to have wanted a level playing field for many years was an interesting one. Given HMV’s well documented recent troubles resulting in terms and support […]

We can never go back to the way things were – but we could go back a little

I have already received dozens of phone calls and emails this year from labels and bands asking me why shops don’t stock their releases or don’t sell many if they do. Often they are from fairly big labels and bands who understandably think they should be doing better. While bands, labels and indeed distributors are […]

In-stores Dilemma

Even at our most popular in-stores coinciding with an artist’s release we now sell very little as people will have already bought from the artist/label (online or at a gig/launch), downloaded or from a VAT dodging online seller. We are now selling less than a quarter of the amount we sold at similar in-stores two […]

Jim James on Ear x-tacy Closing November 1, 2011

Everyone knows the bond between My Morning Jacket and Ear x-tacy, so it is no surprise that Jim James made this heartfelt statement regarding the closing of ear x-tacy: “there is a tear in my eye right now as i hear about the closing of one of my favorite places on earth- ear-xtacy. i send […]

Frightened Rabbit in-store pics Always a man of the people Scott asks the crowd “Who wants a beer ?” Nick looks on approvingly. The now obligatory crowd scene. All pics courtesy of Calum Langdale

