Frightened Rabbit / Twilight Sad "Split" Cassette for RSD

    Record Store Day website now has a split cassette by Frightened Rabbit and Twilight Sad listed. I’ve heard they cover each others songs but hopefully I’ll get more news on that and how many there will be etc tomorrow from the label.

Scottish Alternative Music Awards 2011

Always dubious about any awards but was at least interested to see who the “winners” were. Sure it was last Friday but checking google, tweets and even the website ! comes up with no mention at all of the winners. Started to think I’d imagined it confirming I finally had lost the plot but website […]

Yes we are open on Sundays

We will now be open every Sunday for those of you who fancy a leisurely stroll through the Grassmarket and a browse. Chaffinch brought in more of their excellent sampler CD for the Burnt Island in-store yesterday which is a mere £1.99 or free when you buy any three releases on the label. Album club […]

Mogwai Box Set in stock

Panicked when only two arrived with the new Bonnie Prince Billy ten inch but then another box arrived later so all was well. For those who asked if we would be matching the Amazon price of £49.99 the answer is that we are £10 cheaper @ £39.99.

Burnt Island @ Avalanche in the Grassmarket Saturday 26th @ 3pm

Really looking forward to this as I’ve never managed to catch them live before. Our best selling EP of last year or a top ten album depending where you stand on the 6 track mini album / EP. We will have the last few copies for sale along with the rest of the Chaffinch catalogue.

Day V Lately quite funny but Menswe@r will be funnier

Anyone in the shop tomorrow can try to make a quick £50 by taking part in the Day V Lately competition from Yell. Funnier however will be the Menswe@r ad in which Johnny Dean tries to track down his classic first single “I’ll Manage Somehow” (1995 – #49).

Chaffinch week @ Avalanche

We have a great selection of seven inches and CDs on the Chaffinch label this week. We also have a cracking sampler CD available for £1.99 or free when you buy any three label releases. The week will of course culminate in the Burnt Island in-store on Saturday. More news to follow.

Successful Sunday

Thanks to everybody who made our first Sunday opening of the year a big success.

Hardcorewillneverdiebutrecordshopswill ?

  There has been a lot of comment about One Up laying off two staff this weekend virtually all supportive of the shop and even the few more negative comments are along the lines of it being “inevitable”. Avalanche and One Up are not identical but we are similar. At our core we have a large […]

